Monday, May 18, 2020
Read 180 Intervention At Allen - 1232 Words
Read 180 Intervention at Allen READ 180 Next Generation is a reading intervention program created by Scholastic in 1999 (â€Å"Scholastic launches†, 2011). This program was created to provide strategic reading intervention to meet the needs of struggling readings including English language learners (ELL) and students with disabilities, with age-appropriate and unique content for students in grades 4-12+. (Scholastic, 2014). READ 180 is a carefully researched reading intervention program with hundreds of Scholastic generated studies and third party studies for the last fifteen years. Marion Community Schools adopted the program in the early millennium to use as a Tier II intervention for grades third through eighth. READ 180 Next Generation is designed around common core and the rigor that comes with the Common Core initiative (Scholastic, 2014). In 2011 READ 180 was used by more than one million students every day, largely students from schools who have written in READ 180 to their school improvement documents (â€Å"Scholastic launches†, 2011). The program’s recommendations are to use READ 180 during a 90 minute reading block (Scholastic, 2014). According to Scholastic the program begins with whole group instruction for twenty minutes. Teachers are to begin the class using reading skills and strategies, academic vocabulary, writing, and grammar to the whole class. Students then work on the READ 180 software on computers where they follow a learning path, which allows them to workShow MoreRelatedAboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Histories And Cultures Into Classroom Curriculum2443 Words  | 10 PagesAustralia has 150 artists on its registry and provides significant benefi ts to the community, with approximately $5000000 turnover per year and a range of social welfare outcomes. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPoint/Counterpoint Sometimes Blowing Your Top Is a Good Thing 122 Questions for Review 121 Experiential Exercise Who Can Catch a Liar? 123 Ethical Dilemma Happiness Coaches for Employees 123 Case Incident 1 Is It Okay to Cry at Work? 124 Case Inc ident 2 Can You Read Emotions from Faces? 124 S A L S A L 5 Personality and Values 131 Personality 133 What Is Personality? 133 †¢ The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 135 †¢ The Big Five Personality Model 136 †¢ Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Case Study 2 Zara International - 824 Words
Zara International is considered a high end clothing store that is affordable. Due to its quality in fashion, low prices and immediate availability, popular stores such as Gap and HM fail to keep up with Zara’s success. Zara’s well known tactic of fast fashion has separated them from their competition. The ‘fast fashion’ objective is to distribute top trends of fashion within the runway to customers by selling them in local stores. Zara has been able to achieve the fast fashion perspective by hiring approximately 200 people that will assist in getting these trends out in stores within a matter of weeks. Zara International adopted the classical management style by abiding by the five administrative principles. This company was able to†¦show more content†¦This theory was made possible when Inditex accomplished correlating situational demands to a certain management style. The tactic for Zara is to interact with its environment and transition supplie rs into consumers and to create systems to keep track of time production as well as reporting of inventory. I would nominate Jeffrey Pfeffer as the best fit consultant for Zara International as he strived for evidence based management. I am intrigued by Zara’s concept of fast fashion and tactics of keeping top trends within their stores at a low cost. Zara’s risks they’re taking not only hurts the competitors who wouldn’t take such a risk but also needs to be closely watched to be sure their mission is constantly progressing. Pfeffer’s process of making decisions on a management basis revolves around definite facts that have real results. Reporting is watched closely and research is constantly done with Pfeffer’s approach which is what is needed in the retail world especially and to keep a business successfully running. In order for this company to stay afloat, it is important for managers to rely solely on a result of credibility rather tha n on speculation. Positive human resource management practices are crucial in a fast growing company that wants to continue to grow according to Pfeffer. Zara’s mission isShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Fashion Industry: Zara1467 Words  | 6 Pagesretailers than local rivals. The Zara case study reported sales $8.15 billion to its competitors Hennes Mauritz 0f $7.87 billion (Dutta, 2002). This was the consumer’s one stop shop due to the quality products offered both globally and locally. This paper will focus on the fashion trend of the Zara case study. The paper will look at the varied roles that consumers play in the market and how the alter the market. 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Yes, because what Tom’s of Maine did is that they made their employees appreciate and apply the principles that Tom and Kate believed in. Despite some of the mistakes that they did, they were not afraid to tryRead MoreThe Marketing Strategy Of Zara1394 Words  | 6 Pagesmarketing strategies. It has thus become necessary for businesses to invest heavily in marketing to have chances of succeeding in the market. Zara, just like any other big business organization employs unique marketing model to help it achieve its targets. This paper examines the fashion marketing strategy and brand development strategies of Zara. Company Background Zara is a Spanish chain store of Inditex Group, one of the world’s biggest retail store in the world. Founded by Amancio Ortega in 1975 in SpainRead MoreFast Fashion Industry: Growth of Zara and Inditex Essay1532 Words  | 7 Pagesfast fashion approach is Zara (Hayes Jones, 2006). Zara is a child company of the parent company Inditex. Zara stores have established the stride for merchants around the globe in creating and shipping fashionable clothing (â€Å"Case 3-4. Continued Growth for Zara and Inditex†, 2013). Their marketing approach has helped them become extremely successful in terms of providing the customer with. International marketing strategies and its efficiency assists in the expansion of Zara. Cultural understandingRead MoreZara Case Essay examples1568 Words  | 7 PagesCase # 4 – Zara Zara is the flagship company of Inditex, an international clothing retailer. Zara began its business as a small retail store in Spain founded by Amancio Ortega Gaona in 1975. In the following decades Zara has grown to nearly 450 store location in 29 countries by the year 2000. Zara consistently accounts for more than 80% of Inditex’s net sales as indicated by Figure 1; linking the success of Inditex to the success of the strategies of Zara. Figure 1 Inditex Net Sales by Concept Read MoreZara Fasion King1741 Words  | 7 PagesCase discussion ZARA: FAST FAHION 1) What is Zara’s basis of competitive advantage? How does it travel globally? At the heart of Zara s success is a vertically integrated business model spanning design, just-in-time production, marketing and sales. The key to this model is the ability to adapt the offer to customers desires in the shortest time possible. For Zara , time is the main factor to be considered, above and beyond production cost. The group believed that vertical integration gaveRead MoreZara Case Study : The Resource Based View1588 Words  | 7 PagesZARA Case Study Introduction The case study is upon on the resource based view. First, the firm resources were divided into three major parts: tangible resource, intangible resource and human resource as Grant suggested. The main body of the essay will also be divided into three parts according to the resource classification. Then, a VRIN test would be carried after listing different types of resources to inspect whether they are able to provide a sustainable competitive advantage for Zara. FinallyRead MoreInternationalisation of the Spanish Fashion Brand Zara7568 Words  | 31 Pagescom/1361-2026.htm CASE STUDY Internationalisation of the Spanish fashion brand Zara Carmen Lopez and Ying Fan Brunel Business School, Uxbridge, UK Abstract Purpose – Research on the internationalisation of retailing has been mainly focused on market entry issues. This paper attempts to examine the internationalisation process from an international marketing perspective using Spanish fashion retailer Zara as a case study. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth case approach was adoptedRead MoreZara case operation management3739 Words  | 15 Pagesï » ¿Case Study Analysis- Zara ABSTRACT This paper is based on case study on operation management and positioning strategy of Zara, one of the world’s fastest growing manufacturers of fashion clothing. Also a world leading fashion retailer brand of Inditex. The case study outlines how Zara transforms from a local clothing retailer it into a global successful brand. It addresses few components in the case study, such as the products and process control and integrate business model used in Zara. The
Analysis of Market Sector and Analysis of Business Plan Samples
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Market Sector and Analysis of Business Plan. Answer: Banking Product Alignment of Business Busysim hardware is a financial services offering company that intends to offer several financial products and services to its entire target market segment. The target market of the company can facilitate the manager of the company in determining the best suitable marketing mix in serving the target market segment (Coffee Jr, Sale Henderson, 2015). The company will target its present consumers from personal banking, personal finance services and assets and investments. Busysim hardware can amalgamate its customer base at the time of amplification of the revenue from within the present consumers through greatly targeting the consumers those intend to spend on the card rather than hunting for new prospects. The target consumers of the company is intended to exist within middle to high range income segments as the products offered by the company is supposed to be moderately priced (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). The company segments its target market relied on demographic and psyc hographic such as social class, age, occupation. In targeting its consumer segments within Australia, Busysim Hardware Company intends to support its important consumer groups that includes increasing number of globally minded, group of educated individuals internationally minded along with ambitious people from the middle market those consider valuing efficiency, simplicity and time (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). The target consumers are also intended to be forward-looking and self-directed people those consider gaining access to broad along with practical knowledge and advice from a trusted partner to enhance their way to financial independence. To offer its consumers with range of financial planning resources that encompasses a team of accredited and trained financial planners. Target consumers of Busysim Hardware Company have a comprehensive selection of insurance, investment along with retirement savings products with exclusive offers. Banking and Financial Products Package Development Based on the needs and preferences of the target consumers of Busysim Hardware Company, it has considered developing several banking and financial products packages for addressing the needs of its target consumers. The financial services company includes several types of products for all its target consumers with distinct needs and wants (Law Robson, 2014). The company also considers offering financial services to all its consumers tat includes offering investment advice particularly for the stocks. Several types of credit card are offered by the company that includes classic, gold, platinum and premium credit cards. Through the credit cards offered by the company, the target consumers will be able to maintain the balance transfer that can facilitate them to transfer several dues of outstanding credit cards for the repayment at decreased interest rates. Moreover, the credit cards come with the facility of Loan on Phone because of converting certain purchase into easy instalments. Busysim Hardware Company will also have associations with CPP Assistance Services Private Limited for safeguarding the interest in case of card loss, related fraud (Mariotti Glackin, 2014). This card protects from the loss of vital cards and important documents that includes other debit, credit, membership, and ATM and loyalty cards. Moreover, the role shoppers can additionally apply within three additional credit cards for their siblings, children, spouse and parents. Certain other financial products that Busysim hardware company intends to offer includes refund application loans, debt collection, mortgage loan modification services, used car loans along with payday loans. Communication Channels and Campaign Busysim Hardware Company centres on maintaining sound communication with the customer along with implementing direct marketing strategies. The company considers advertising its credit cards by means of several marketing channels such as telemarketing and e-mail, hoardings, brochures, trade magazine advertisement and co-branding (Mills Haines, 2015). The company also considers generating a positive image of its offered financial products in order to make sure word-of-mouth strategy is effective for the product. The credit cards and several small business loans will be marketed trough co-branding with several business partners in form of coupons and discounts for the present cardholders (Coffee Jr, Sale Henderson, 2015). Busysim Hardware Companys strategy to offer several types of products expands the companys market horizons and also entertains convenience and effective communications. The company considers e-mail marketing as an important aspect of their total marketing mix that facilitates them to communicate in a better manner with all its target consumers in a targeted manner (Mariotti Glackin, 2014). The company also promotes that its financial services that includes short term loans and credit cards needs a pass code on manual swipes such as it ensures secure payment for the online purchases. Mechanisms to Monitor Suitability of Products Busysim Hardware Company can consider selling tangible consumer financial products those are obligated to monitor the financial products safety after they are sold to the target customers. For the investors, understanding and knowledge also has a vital role in the suitability of the financial products (Mariotti Glackin, 2014). The investors must be waiting of the risk understanding of the securities risk in their portfolios. The suitability of the financial products offered to the consumers can be monitored if the financial products help them in making informed. Moreover, suitability of the financial products can also be monitored through observing whether the target consumers are making effective choices through understanding the features of all its financial products, whether it is suitable for their personal purpose, financial products risk and price along with the interest conflicts associating the provider. Suitability of the financial services can be understood as the requirement in order to determine if the financial services have certain matching attributes based on the requirements of the consumers (Law Robson, 2014). Consumer suitability of the financial products can be monitored through analysing the financial services financial strength along with claiming paying ability, pricing stability, cost competitiveness, cash value liquidity along with historical performance of the assets invested within the policy cash values. Staff Briefing Plan for Tailored Product The staff of Busysim Hardware Company will include the founders of the company along with certain personnel associated with offering financial services to the target consumers (Law Robson, 2014). The personnel that will be include staff such as: Company research, sales and development of markers will be conducted by the founders of the business Personnel will be appointed that will be responsible for sales, account management, accounting and finance and marketing Research assistant will be appointed for assisting the founders on their reassert Bookkeepers will be responsible for handling the everyday accounts receivables along with payable duties Administrative assistant will be responsible for assorting odd and ends Accounts manager will be responsible for offering consumer support for their investment accounts Banking Product Alignment of Segment: Business Segmentation Based on Certain Variables Computershare is a financial services offering organization that means to offer a few financial items and administrations to its whole target market segment. The target market of the organization can encourage the manager of the organization in deciding the best appropriate marketing mix in serving the target market segment (Law Robson, 2014). The organization will focus on its present consumers from individual banking, individual finance services and assets and investments. Computershare can amalgamate its consumer base at the time of intensification of the income from inside the present purchasers through incredibly focusing on the customers that plan to spend on the card as opposed to chasing for new consumers. Demographic variables- The target consumers of the organization is proposed to exist within middle to high income sections as the items offered by the organization should be reasonably priced. The company will operate within retail industry and will be positioned as small company that needs findings from the financial service company (Coffee Jr, Sale Henderson, 2015). In targeting its shopper sections inside Australia Computershare organization plans to bolster its vital customer groups that incorporates expanding number of internationally minded, gathering of educated people along with ambitious individuals from the middle market those consider valuing effectiveness, straightforwardness and time. Operating Variables- the target consumers are additionally proposed to be forward-looking and self-guided individuals, those consider accessing wide alongside useful information and practical knowledge in accomplice to upgrade their approach to monetary freedom. To offer its consumers with scope of monetary arranging assets that includes a group of authorized and prepared financial planners (Coffee Jr, Sale Henderson, 2015). Target buyers of Busysim equipment organization have an exhaustive choice of insurance, investment alongside retirement funds products with selective offers. Banking and Financial Products Package Development In view of the necessities and inclinations of the target customers of Computershare organization, it has considered building up a few banking and financial products portfolios for tending to the requirements of its target consumers (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). The financial services organization incorporates a few sorts of items for all its target customers with particular needs and needs. The organization likewise considers offering financial services to every one of its customers that includes offering investment advice especially for the stocks. A few sorts of Visa are offered by the organization that incorporates classic, gold, platinum and premium MasterCards. Through the Visas offered by the organization, the target consumers will have the capacity to maintain the balance exchange that can facilitate them to transfer several duties of exceptional credit cards for the reimbursement at diminished loan fees (Mills Haines, 2015). Additionally, the MasterCards accompanies the office of "loan on Phone" as a result of changing over certain buy into simple instalments. Computershare organization will likewise have affiliations with CPP Assistance Services Private Limited for defending the enthusiasm for instance of card loss, related fraud. This card protects from the loss of essential cards and vital documents that incorporates other debit, credit, membership, and ATM and loyalty cards (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). Besides, the target customers can also apply inside three extra loan amounts for their new business or business expansion decisions. Certain other financial items that Computershare organization expects to offer incorporates discount application loans, debt accumulation, mortgage loan modification services, utilized auto loans alongside payday loans for small businesses (Coffee Jr, Sale Henderson, 2015). Monitoring Campaign and Performance Indicators for Ensuring Small Business Engagement Computershare organization can consider selling substantial consumer financial items those are committed to screen the financial items wellbeing after they are sold to the target clients. For the investors, comprehension and information additionally has an imperative part in the suitability of the financial products. The investors must be awaited of the risk comprehension of the securities chance in their portfolios (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). The appropriateness of the financial items offered to the consumers can be checked if the financial items help them in making informed. In addition, suitability of the financial items can likewise be checked through observing whether the target consumers are settling on successful decisions through understanding the elements of all its monetary items, whether it is reasonable for their own motivation, financial item's risk and cost alongside the interest conflict with the supplier (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). Suitability of the financial services can be comprehended as the necessity in order to decide whether the monetary administrations have certain coordinating attributes in light of the prerequisites of the buyers (Mills Haines, 2015). Consumer suitability of the financial items can be checked through examining the financial services, financial quality alongside asserting paying capacity, evaluating dependability, cost aggressiveness; cash esteem liquidity alongside historical performance of the assets invested inside the policy money values. Segment Information and Product Package with Communication Campaign Computershare organization focuses on keeping up sound communication with the consumers alongside using direct promoting procedures. The organization considers advertising its credit cards and small business loans by methods for a few marketing channels, for example, telemarketing and email, hoardings, leaflets, trade magazine ad and co-branding (Joshi, Bhatia, Raikar Pall, 2017). The organization additionally considers creating a positive image of its offered financial products and services keeping in mind the end goal to ensure mouth-to-mouth strategy are powerful for the item. The credit cards and a few private business loans will be promoted trough co-branding with a few business partners in type of coupons and rebates for the present cardholders. Computershare organization's technique to offer a few sorts of items extends the organization's market skylines and furthermore entertains accommodation and viable communications. The organization considers email advertising as an essential part of their total marketing strategy that encourages them to impart in a superior way with all its target consumers in a focused way (Coffee Jr, Sale Henderson, 2015). The organization additionally promotes that its financial services that includes short-term loans and credit cards needs a password on manual swipes, for example, it guarantees secure instalment for the online buys. References Coffee Jr, J. C., Sale, H., Henderson, M. T. (2015). Securities regulation: Cases and materials. Joshi, S., Bhatia, S., Raikar, K., Pall, H. (2017). Customer experience and associated customer behaviour in end user devices and technologies (smartphones, mobile internet, mobile financial services).International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking,10(1-2), 118-126. Law, M. D., Robson, G. (2014). A Case Study For Accounting Information Systems-A Business Continuity Plan For Protecting Critical Financial Information In The NYC Financial Services Industry.The Review of Business Information Systems (Online),18(1), 15. Mariotti, S., Glackin, C. (2014).Entrepreneurship and small business management. Pearson Higher Ed. Mills, A., Haines, P. (2015).Essential strategies for financial services compliance. John Wiley Sons.
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