Monday, May 18, 2020
Read 180 Intervention At Allen - 1232 Words
Read 180 Intervention at Allen READ 180 Next Generation is a reading intervention program created by Scholastic in 1999 (â€Å"Scholastic launches†, 2011). This program was created to provide strategic reading intervention to meet the needs of struggling readings including English language learners (ELL) and students with disabilities, with age-appropriate and unique content for students in grades 4-12+. (Scholastic, 2014). READ 180 is a carefully researched reading intervention program with hundreds of Scholastic generated studies and third party studies for the last fifteen years. Marion Community Schools adopted the program in the early millennium to use as a Tier II intervention for grades third through eighth. READ 180 Next Generation is designed around common core and the rigor that comes with the Common Core initiative (Scholastic, 2014). In 2011 READ 180 was used by more than one million students every day, largely students from schools who have written in READ 180 to their school improvement documents (â€Å"Scholastic launches†, 2011). The program’s recommendations are to use READ 180 during a 90 minute reading block (Scholastic, 2014). According to Scholastic the program begins with whole group instruction for twenty minutes. Teachers are to begin the class using reading skills and strategies, academic vocabulary, writing, and grammar to the whole class. Students then work on the READ 180 software on computers where they follow a learning path, which allows them to workShow MoreRelatedAboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Histories And Cultures Into Classroom Curriculum2443 Words  | 10 PagesAustralia has 150 artists on its registry and provides significant benefi ts to the community, with approximately $5000000 turnover per year and a range of social welfare outcomes. 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